Wednesday, November 02, 2005

A House for Sale with a Special Extra

The Shadow knows how difficult it is to find a mate. And, living in the Bay Area, he also knows how difficult it is to find the perfect (affordable??) home. But The Shadow has found something of interest to single men.

Deborah Hale, a 48-year-old woman in Denver, has put up E-Bay an unusual item. For $600,000 -- providing that you are between 40-60 -- you can purchase a house in an affluent Denver neighborhood. The extra -- Deborah comes with the house.

Deborah Hale
(photo courtesy

Deborah is not only looking for a buyer for her house, but also a compatable man for her.

Deborah's house
(photo courtesy

Deborah has already received about 60 responses. You still have time to bid -- the auction closes on February 14, 2006.

If you would like more information on this, you can check out her special web page for more details. And, yes, this is a serious offer.

The Shadow will report the results of the auction when the winner is declared.


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