And Now.....Feature Attraction
This past Wednesday, The Shadow had the opportunity to enjoy the work of more San Francisco artists. The Shadow was at the Hotel Triton in San Francisco for another artists reception hosted by ARTworkSF. The title of this exhibit was "Feature Attraction".
(The lighting does not do this picture justice untortunately)
The exhibit featured the following artists:
- AnneKaren Glass
- Barbara Elliott
- Carmen Wolf
- Jeff Codori
- Jeung Hee Kang
- Jo Farrell
- Katalina McGinley
- Lisa Feather Knee
- Lynn Friedman
- Michael Childs
- Nick Wightman
- Thomas Hyman
- William Urich
The theme of this exhibition was "Artistic interpretation delves beyond physical features to show the essence of a person". From what The Shadow experience at this exhibit, the theme was definitely reached.
The exhibit will be shown at the Mezzanine Gallery at the Hotel Triton, 342 Grant Street (at Bush) in San Francisco. Hours are 24/7.
As always, all of the work shown at this exhibit is available for rent (for three months) or sale. For more information, go to ARTworkSF's website.
To see other pictures of the reception, click here.
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