Sunday, January 14, 2007

The Shadow Returns with a New Blog

After taking a much needed rest from the holiday season, The Shadow has returned to give you his unique brand of the dark side of culture and news.

But there will be changes for 2007.

After speaking with several people, The Shadow has decided that this blog, The Shadow Knows, will be exclusively dedicated to the arts and culture around San Francisco and the world. Many of you who have been faithful members of this blog for the past 2 years know of the mixing of arts, culture and politics and news on this blog. The Shadow has now decided that adding political and other news would take away from the art and culture aspects of this blog.

So beginning today, look for a new blog here in blogspace -- Good Night and Good Luck. This blog will continue to bring you The Shadow's opinions and news of the day on the political front. This new blog is starting slowly, but will pick up speed as the month and year progresses. Comments are welcome, as always.


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