Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A Word on Comments to This Blog

The Shadow has seen darkness and lives in the darkness. But from time to time, The Shadow must expose himself and has done that with this blog.

When this blog was started a year ago, The Shadow stated at that time that we would be looking at the dark side of culture in San Francisco and abroad. That has hopefully been accomplished.

Lately -- within the past couple of months -- inappropriate comments have been appearing on this blog. Comments that were inappropriate because they had nothing to do with the blog entry itself, but were attacks on The Shadow. In those cases, The Shadow has deleted the comments.

From this point forward, The Shadow has set new settings that will allow for the moderation of comments. Meaning that -- for the forseeable future -- all comments to this blog will be approved by The Shadow before appearing on this blog. This will prevent any inappropriate comments from appearing on this blog.

This blog welcomes comments from the world at large pertaining to the entry that you are commenting on. But The Shadow will not allow personal attacks on himself nor the subject of the blog entry to be permitted.

It is a shame that The Shadow must take this necessary step, but to preserve the integrity of this blog, The Shadow will do so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should not be in the business of censoring comments. Some commenters agree with you, some make jokes, and a few make mean statements. It's all part of the internet.

8:59 AM  
Blogger The Shadow said...

While it is true that it is part of the internet, one of the purposes of this blog is to highlight the arts and culture in San Francisco. Off-color jokes and attacks on The Shadow will not be tolerated. There were reasons why The Shadow had to take this action and it will continue for the foreseeable future.

9:02 AM  

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