Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Shadow Previews "Tongue in Cheek"

Alas dear readers, The Shadow is still here. There have been many receptions and parties recently and The Shadow is finally getting around to writing about all of them. Hopefully you will not go into overload with all of these art entries.

The Shadow recently made a stop at the Monadnock Building in downtown San Francisco to view the current ARTWorkSF exhibit "Tongue in Cheek".

Rump Roost by artist Will Bullas

"Tongue In Cheek" features the following artists:

  • Will Bullas
  • William Mayfield
  • Ben Dominguez

Sunny Side Up by artist William Mayfield

This exhibit shows the more satirical side of art. It is "art with a sense of humor!"

City Cowboys by artist Ben Dominguez

This exhibit is on the third, fourth, and fifth floors of the Monadnock Building, 685 Market Street (at Third Street), in downtown San Francisco.

The Shadow knows what you are asking -- where are the pictures of the reception and the artists? The reception for this exhibit has not yet taken place. It will take place March 21, 2007 in the Monadnock Building from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. The Shadow will be there, but the general public is more than welcome.

Other works from the exhibit are available here.


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