Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Shadow Views Vessels

It may be Labor Day Weekend, but your friendly neighborhood Shadow is still viewing art and attending art receptions.

Yesterday, The Shadow viewed a new exhibit from ARTWorkSF at the Hotel Triton in downtown San Francisco entitled "Vessels".

One of the works from the exhibit

Artists showing at this exhibit are:

  • Linda Hanson
  • Allan Ayers
  • Jamie Erfurdt
  • Pauline Crowther Scott
  • Phyllis Rockne
  • AnneKarin Glass
  • Charlotte Kay
  • Marcia Middleton
  • Michael Bell
  • Victoria Heilweil
  • Rod Prideaux
  • Rachael Hospodar
  • Charles Trapolin
  • Shawna Scarpitti
Guest curator for this exhibit was Pauline Crowther Scott, assisted (in small part) by Chief Curator Matt McKinley.

Guest Curator Pauline Crowther Scott with some of her works

Pauline's eye in selecting the works in this show was excellent. The work ranged from photos to paintings to one work that even came with its own lighting.

The show as described is as follows:

The idea of a "vessel include cups, containers, bowls and ships -- all have the ability to hold "something". Alternatively, it also has a religious connotation, i.e., "a vessel of the Lord" or someone who is infused with a divine quality. There is even a biological meaning: arteries in animals, tubes or canals in plants. This exhibit features vessels in all senses of the word!

Artist Jaime Erfurdt with one of her works

This show will be open at the Hotel Triton, 342 Grant Avenue, in downtown San Francisco, through September 5, 2007. Public viewing hours are 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily, including the Labor Day weekend.

And for those of you who may be interested, The Shadow has been informed that the ARTWorkSF show "Soft Core", which The Shadow brought to you here will be extended through September 2, 2007 at the ARTWorkSF Gallery, 49 Geary Street, #234.

Other Photos from the "Vessel" Reception are available here.


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